2011 Reading From My Shelves Project

Diane at Bibliophile By The Sea is again hosting the Reading From My Shelves Project in 2011.  I joined last year and made it a goal to meet the minimum of 20 books (I cleared 24).  I’m joining up again for the 2011 challenge and hope to surpass that number.

Click here to join the challenge.


  • Challenge runs from January 1 – December 31, 2011.
  • Read books from your own shelves, and then pass the books on to someone else: a friend, relative, the library, used book store, swap them, just as long as the book leaves your house once it has been read.
  • Decide on your goal (12 is the minimum – no maximum). Cross over books are allowed.
  • Grab the button and do a post about the challenge.
  • Keep a running list of the books you’ve read and passed on.

My List

1. Promise Canyon by Robyn Carr

2. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

3. Unveiled by Courtney Milan

4. Wild Man Creek by Robyn Carr

5. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

6. The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Anne Long

7. Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas

8. The Human Bobby by Gabe Rotter

9. Harvest Moon by Robyn Carr  

10.  The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley

11.  Arranged by Catherine McKenzie

12.  Mistress of Rome by Kate Quinn

13.  How to Bake a Perfect Life by Barbara O’Neal

14.  At Witt’s End by Beth Solheim

15.  The Trophy Bride’s Tale by Cyrilla Barr      

16.  Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich

17.  The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler

18.  Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington

19.  To Be Queen by Christy English

20.  The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore                                                                                                 


21 thoughts on “2011 Reading From My Shelves Project

    • This is a no-brainer challenge, isn’t it Dar? I think all of us book bloggers have mountains of TBR books so it could be the never-ending challenge 🙂


  1. Yay! This is the one challenge I really need as there are still waaaaaay too many books on my groaning ,overloaded shelves. I’m off to sign up. Good luck and have fun with it ,Mary.


    • Staci, glad you’re joining too – I’m accepting fewer review books next year so I can clear more of my own books. Good luck to you too!


  2. I have never joined a challenge – just don’t need the extra pressure! – but this one sounds valuable. I have so many stacks of books on my shelves waiting to be read.

    Have to think about this one…thanks!



  3. I think I could be joining you in this one as I’ve been meaning to re-read the books on my shelves if only to sort out which ones could go to the charity shop, freeing up some room for books I’m more likely to read.


  4. Hi Mary! I think I am going to have to join this challenge! I have so many, many books on my shelves and they need to get read! Thanks for letting us know about this!


  5. I’m not officially participating in this challenge, but I think it is an excellent one and it’s helped me shape my goals for 2011! Best of luck!


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