Sunday Post

Book arrivals:  (linked to Mailbox Monday)


Last week on Bookfan:

  • Review:  Natalie Tan’s Book of Love and Fortune
  • Review:  The Islanders
  • Review:  The Friends We Keep


Reading plan for this week:

Cover links to Goodreads


34 thoughts on “Sunday Post

  1. You have some great book arrivals, especially eyeing the Jodi Thomas book. I did enjoy Harry’s Trees, a little different but good.


  2. I’ll watch for your thoughts on The Good Sister. I’ve been hearing good things about it. Have a good week, Mary!


    • I thought it looked fun too so my hopes are high for it. Have a great week, Elizabeth! Oh, I was happy to find that while I can’t comment on your blog I can still enter your giveaways!!


  3. Looking forward to Jodi Thomas book. I just finished her The Little Tea Shop on Main. Loved It.. I have put Jane Green’s book on TBR list.. And the Good Sister.. Enjoy


    • I love her Christmas novels and this is the latest in her Ransom Canyon series. It’s really good so I can’t wait to read the new book. Thanks for stopping by, Katherine!


  4. Christmas in Winter Valley makes me want to start thinking about my holiday reading. Enjoy your books!


  5. It seems it’s time to start collecting Christmas titles. I picked up a second hand copy of Christmas Magic by Cathy Kelly. When do you start posting your Christmas title reviews? I left mine too late last year.


    • I usually post Christmas reviews around the pub. date if the publicist requests. Otherwise I wait until November.


      • I plan to be more timely this year. November sounds good. I have some that were published last year so I will start with those.

        Liked by 1 person

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