Automattic Worldwide WP 5K – I did it!

I read a post highlighted on my Word Press dashboard last week that interested me. It explained the Worldwide Word Press 5K. Since I’ve been concentrating on getting back in shape I decided to participate. I’m not able to walk on the actual date (April 10) but happily there’s the option of doing it any time between April 4-10.

This morning I jumped in the car and drove through the park near my home (the river in my header photo runs through the park). When the odometer read 1.6 miles (a little more than half  of a 5K) I turned around and drove home, snapped on my pedometer and waited for my walking buddy to arrive. The weather was cloudy and upper 30°s when we started.

50 minutes later we were back at my house. I checked the pedometer: 6573 steps. And since I’m on Weight Watchers Points Plus program I entered my time and pace into my tracker which calculated 5 activity points. Total win!  Weather permitting, we’ve decided to do this walk each week.

The falls at the 1 mile mark


On the path – almost 1.6 mile mark


As you can tell from the photos, Spring hasn’t reached the Milwaukee area yet.  On the bright side, the snow is gone 🙂

Thanks to the folks at Automattic for a great idea – well, I’m certain they have many good ideas – but this is one that connects people, exercise and blogging. There’s still time for others to join in the fun.  Click here for more information.