The Snow Globe by Sheila Roberts

Title: The Snow Globe

Author: Sheila Roberts

Genre: Fiction/Christmas

My thoughts: The Snow Globe is the story of three friends: Kylie, Suzanne, and Allison.  Kylie buys a beautiful antique snow globe that comes with a story about a man who thought his life was over when he lost his family.  He found, though, that life could change and be good again.

Kylie’s life is in a tailspin.  Her fiancé left her for her younger sister.  She’s trying to move on even though she also lost her job. It’s just her nature to put a positive spin on things so she’s willing to believe the snow globe could show her what could be in her future.  Her friends, however, are not convinced.

Suzanne is a Type A person who wants only the best for her family – as long as it fits in her plan.  On the outside, her life seems perfect but on the inside, things are starting to crumble.

Allison just kind of goes along with the flow in her life which usually has her putting up with bad behavior from her family, boyfriend, etc.  The one person who made her feel good is now gone and she feels quite alone in life.

Each young woman finds out what having the snow globe in her possession can bring to her life.   The question is:  Will she be open to what she sees in the snow globe?

The Snow Globe was a delight to read.  Kylie, Suzanne, and Allison find that if they actually stop and look around, the answers to their problems might be very clear. Sheila Roberts’ entertaining story has a good message that is perfect for the season and the rest of the year as well.

I recommend this book to fans of Sheila Roberts and Christmas season fiction.  Take a break from holiday errands and read The Snow Globe.

Source: St. Martin’s Press; Sheila Roberts


About the author: Sheila Roberts lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her novels have appeared in Readers Digest Condensed books and have been published in several languages. Her novel Angel Lane was an Amazon Top Ten Romance pick for 2009 and her holiday perennial, On Strike for Christmas is slated to be a Lifetime Channel movie presentation this December. When she’s not hanging out with her girlfriends or hitting the dance floor with her husband, she can be found writing about those things dear to women’s hearts: family, friends, and chocolate.

You can visit Sheila Roberts at her website, Facebook, and twitter


18 thoughts on “The Snow Globe by Sheila Roberts

  1. I have several Sheila Roberts’ books in my TBR, but haven’t gotten around to reading them. This one is on my list too. It sounds really good.


  2. Mary, this book is on my wish list and I can’t wait to read it! Sheila Roberts is one of my favorite authors. Thanks for the review!


  3. Thanks for the lovely review Mary! And the kind words ladies. I’m really pleased with how this book turned out. By the way, if you go to the Macmillan site they are doing a “Snow Globe Sweepstakes” where you can win a Thomas Kinkaide snow globe and a copy of the book. Also, check out the contest on my website. We’re also giving away a snow globe.


  4. You’ve already got a jump start on your holiday reading. I like the idea of seeing your future in a snow globe. My son collects them and I love looking at them. It would be easy to imagine seeing them come alive.


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