The Break-Up Book Club

The Break-Up Book Club by Wendy Wax


On paper, Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara have little in common – they’re very different people leading very different lives. And yet at book club meetings in an historic carriage house turned bookstore, they bond over a shared love of reading (and more than a little wine) as well as the growing realization that their lives are not turning out like they expected. 

Former tennis star Jazmine is a top sports agent balancing a career and single motherhood. Judith is an empty nester questioning her marriage and the supporting role she chose. Erin’s high school sweetheart and fiancé develops a bad case of cold feet, and Sara’s husband takes a job out of town saddling Sara with a difficult mother-in-law who believes her son could have done better – not exactly the roommate most women dream of.

With the help of books, laughter, and the joy of ever evolving friendships, Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara find the courage to navigate new and surprising chapters of their lives as they seek their own versions of happily-ever-after. (publisher)

My take:

Wendy Wax is back with a new stand-alone novel about members of a book club. The Break-Up Book Club is set at an Atlanta bookstore. At first glance the group of readers don’t seem to have a lot in common besides their love of reading. But as time goes by each member will find out just how important they are to each other.

I loved that the members were diverse in many ways and had so much to learn from each other – not the least being the lesson of empathy. You never know what another person has experienced and that you might have more in common with them than you’d thought.

There are serious issues addressed but Wendy Wax’s humor and warmth cushioned it all in a way that had me smiling at the end. I enjoyed it and recommend to fans of the author and women’s fiction.