Sunday Post

Book arrivals:  (linked to Mailbox Monday)

Last week on Bookfan

A quiet week here on the blog. I spent a few days with my mom and arrived back home ahead of the snowstorm that arrived a day later. It’s safe to say that winter is here!

I don’t have any more books that need to be reviewed in January so it will continue to be quiet for a couple of weeks. February is fully scheduled though so please watch for my take on some really good books!

Reading plan for this week:




19 thoughts on “Sunday Post

  1. Lovely picture, Mary! Glad you got home before the snow hit and enjoy your quiet reading (whatever you’d like to read). Take care.


  2. I’d like to read that C Hyde- Ryan book! We got your snow last night 5-6” and now sleet. Have a great week Mary.


  3. I have two Catherine Ryan Hyde books to read…and I like the sound of Have You Seen Luis Velez?

    The snow is pretty, but it often brings trouble, doesn’t it?

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog. It is nice to have a month without a lot of scheduled reads.


  4. You are well ahead of your review books, I like that. Love what the snow storm left behind. I’d so love to be inside reading looking out at that.


  5. Yes, winter has definitely arrived! The storm is here too and it’s a good time to stay inside where it’s warm. Hope you enjoy your new book. Happy reading!


  6. Winter is here too. 🙂

    We enjoy the same books, and I am looking forward to seeing which ones are coming up.

    Wonderful you were able to spend time with your mother.

    Have a good week, Mary.


  7. I hope you enjoy your new book. Nice that you got to visit with your mother and get home safely. The winter picture is lovely although I wouldn’t like the cold.
    Happy Reading!


  8. Glad to see you got home before the storm! The snow is so lovely but whew! Glad we don’t get it too often. lol Happy reading!


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