12 thoughts on “Sunday Post

  1. Mary, do you remember what the beggar said in Fiddler on the Roof? When he only got 1 kopek instead of 2, he said “If you had a bad week, why should I suffer?” I’m not judging. But I’m just sayin’!


  2. An empty mailbox can be an opportunity to catch up….I play catch-up with the books I’ve bought. My review books are pretty much on track, but I got more than I had planned from NetGalley!

    Enjoy your week…I want to download The Sunshine Sisters on release date. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES


  3. Hi Mary,

    I’m sure that like the rest of us, you have a TBR pile tall enough to cope with one empty week – Although I do know about that small sense of disappointment when Monday comes around and you don’t have a new title to share!!

    I quite liked the look of ‘The Darkest Corner’, but when I checked out the premise and then read the author blurb, it sounds as though it might be a bit too romantic and sex driven for my liking. Still one worth bearing in mind for the future though!

    Thanks for sharing and I hope that this week’s reading schedule is a good one 🙂



  4. If I would stay away from NetGalley maybe I could have an empty mailbox. LOL. Hope you get a chance to enjoy some TBRs. Happy Reading!


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