2014 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge


I took the past year off from reading challenges. It was a good break but I recently discovered the Finishing the Series Reading Challenge. Yvonne over at Socrates’ Book Reviews is host of the one and only challenge I’m going to join in 2014. You can click on her blog link to join.

I’ll go through my books and decide which series I want to finish and then edit the Challenge page before Dec.31st. What do you think? Want to join in the fun?

12 thoughts on “2014 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge

  1. I cut back on challenges last year too. I like to think I can complete them, but something else always gets in the way. This one would be tough for me, I have a lot of started series on my shelf.


  2. I have my own challenge… I keep a running total of the books I read all year and from the previous years and see if I can beat the books read from the previous year, so far I am at least a book or two ahead each year.. I think that is about the best I can do… But I will think about this one.


  3. So glad you decided to join this challenge…I’ll be joining this one, too! Not sure what series I’ll be trying to finish yet – still trying to decide. Good luck and will be anxious to see which series you decide to try to finish up!


  4. I’ve taken 2 years off from challenges, but this could be the one I try next year. I start so many and never actually catch up!!! Thanks for letting me know about this one. I think I may join you 🙂


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