Too Big To Miss by Sue Ann Jaffarian

Title:  Too Big To Miss

Odelia Grey Mystery #1

Author:  Sue Ann Jaffarian

Genre:  Mystery

Published:  2006

About:  (from the book description) Too big to miss – that’s Odelia Grey. A never-married, middle-aged, plus-sized woman who makes no excuses for her weight. She’s not super woman – just a mere mortal standing on the precipice of menopause, trying to cruise in an ill-fitting bra. She struggles with her relationships, her crazy family, and her crazier boss. And then there’s her knack for being in close proximity to dead people…

My take:  I first want to thank Lynne from Lynne’s Little Corner of the World who loaned me her Kindle edition of Too Big To Miss. She really liked this book and so did I. Odelia is a lovable character – admirable for the strength of her convictions as well as her humor. She’s the kind of person you’d like to be your friend.

When Odelia’s close friend Sophie turns up dead it’s ruled a suicide. This is something Odelia and her other close friend, Zee, cannot accept. They know she’d never kill herself! What they didn’t know until now is that Sophie had a bit of a secret life – one that allowed some people to view her death. That’s all I’m going to say about that. You’ll have to read this fast-paced book to find out the what, how, and whodunit.

Too Big To Miss is the first book in the Odelia Grey mystery series. I look forward to reading the next!

Source: I borrowed it.

14 thoughts on “Too Big To Miss by Sue Ann Jaffarian

  1. This was a good one! I, too, liked the character. She’s so comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t let others dictate how she should look.


  2. This one sounds excellent, and even kind of funny. I also like that there is a plus sized character in it, and that she makes no bones about her size. That’s quite refreshing, if you ask me!


  3. Now this is a very unique premise for a book – I thought zombies would be at play but from the sound of it’s beyond the scope of zombies but a very good read for chuckles. Loved the review Mary 🙂


  4. Sounds like a unique and lovable character. She does sound like someone you’d want to hang out with … except for always being near dead bodies!


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