Mailbox Monday – Dec. 6



Mailbox Monday is the brainchild of Marcia at The Printed Page and is now on a blog tour.  Click here to see the tour schedule!

This month’s host is Let Them Read Books.   Visit every week this month to see links to the latest and greatest books arriving in mailboxes!  Be aware, though, visiting can lead to book envy and toppling TBR piles!
(For review from Hachette)
Pemberley Ranch by  Jack Caldwell (my buy)
The News Where You Are by Catherine O’Flynn (my buy)

56 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday – Dec. 6

  1. Thanks for stopping by, Mary.

    Sorry I didn’t put a link to the calendar, but if you find it, you will see all the beautiful pictures for each month.


  2. Darcy in the Wild Wild WEST! You have to let me know how Pemberly Ranch turns out. Brrrr it’s snowing still … did someone bring a shovel?? Oh wait … it’s touching my nose… ohhhhh it’s son pretty 🙂

    Enjoy the reads and time for hot chocolate 🙂


  3. I rec’d The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship too. I’m excited to start reading it. I’ve been looking forward to it since I first discovered it this summer. Hope you enjoy all three books.


  4. The news where you are looks interesting. I’ve never heard of Jack Caldwell but I see he does a lot of Austen based books. I’ll have to check those out. Happy reading!


  5. Oooo, I’d love to read The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship. I must add that to my list.

    Happy reading, Mary!


  6. Nice variety, Mary. Love your holiday mailbox too.

    Enjoy your 3 new books. Have a great week and happy reading!


  7. I received for review Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz from the author.

    Twenty-four-year-old Aidin, a wealthy socialite and self-proclaimed “club god,” lives a magazine life based on decadence and excess that includes drugs, sex, and gourmet food. It’s a life based on surfaces in a place where the surface is all that matters. His therapist later describes him as a materialistic drug addict bent on promiscuity with self-esteem and identity issues.One morning, after a night of heavy partying, Aidin awakes completely vacant of any sensation. He can’t feel temperature. He can’t feel pressure. He can’t feel anything. After a near-fatal stint in denial, he seeks the help of Dr. Paradies, a therapist whose methods are far from conventional. She provides him with a new addiction in the form of a life list–a litany of activities to accomplish. As Aidin completes his list, he discovers talents he never knew he possessed, such as the ability to quickly learn new languages, an IQ off the charts, and amazing physical stamina.With these new discoveries, he questions his doctor’s intentions. When Aidin digs for the truth, will he slip back into his addictive habits? Or is there truly a conspiracy underway, as he suspects? The answer forces him to make a life-altering decision.


  8. Hi Mary,

    I really like the sound of ‘The News Where You Are’.

    It looks as though several other bloggers have also read it and the comments all sound positive, so I hope that you enjoy it and I look forward to your review.


  9. I received Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship also. Looking forward to reading it but think it will have to wait until the new year. Pemberley Ranch sounds like a fun read. I can’t wait to see what you think of it.


  10. Sorry it’s taken me so long to visit, it’s been a busy week! Pemberley Ranch looks like a good one. Thanks for participating in Mailbox Monday! Happy reading!


  11. i heard great things about The News Where You Are!! I’ve had it on my wishlist ever since I read some reviews about it. I hope you enjoy it and I’ll have to keep an eye out for your review of it.


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